Első Magyarországi Online Fogászati Egyesület (EMOFE)
First Hungarian Online Dental Association (FHODA)


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In southern and central Europe was a division between dentists and stomatologists. This division of labor is thought not to have benefited oral health in most of the countries concerned and has been abandoned in most of them as the European Community moves toward standardization of professional training. On the other hand, whether American dentistry benefited from its evolution on a branch that grew out of the main medical trunk, rather than being its formative years, can be debated.

There were signs in the early 21. century that dentistry might be evolving into something closer to the medical model.

The first date is 1929 of the closing of the last proprietary dental school. There were collected many informations from the dental schools and concluded that the dental profession could only progress when dental education became university based.

Dentistry, Dental Practice and the Community



©Fogászat | Első Magyarországi Online Fogászati Egyesület (EMOFE) 2017.